Frequently Asked Questions


What is the intake process?

Our practice software will send you a link to our online client portal. The client portal will have all necessary forms that need to be filled out, reviewed, and signed. This paperwork can take about 20 minutes.


How long do your sessions last?

How often do you typically see your clients? Regular sessions are typically 50 minutes. Intake sessions are 90 minutes.


What does a first session typically look like?

The first session is typically an information gathering session. Your therapist will review the questionnaire that you filled out and ask for more information to help them get a better understanding of what brought you to therapy. You and your therapist will talk about the frequency of sessions and goals that you have for treatment.


How long do you typically work with clients?

(3 months-3 years) Length of time really depends on the issue(s) you’ve come to therapy for. On average, clients spend 6-8 months with their therapist.


What is your cancellation policy?

We require at least a 24 hour notice for cancellations or you will be charged a full session fee.


How do you typically structure your session?

Usually, your therapist might start by checking in about what has occurred in the time since you last met. They typically pull from that conversation in order to highlight important themes of the overall problem you are working on or they may have the session planned beforehand, where they can lead the client through a series of exercises or worksheets or activities and take a very directive approach throughout the entirety of the session.